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MBEC Wins the Bid of Zhangzhou – Yongan Highway Project

Source:    Date:2012-04-26  

MBEC Recently won the bid of Section A3 of subgrade civil construction in Longyan section of Zhangzhou – Yongan highway project in Fujian province. The Accepted Contract Amount is 420 million RMB and construction period is730 days.

This project is dual-way four lanes, the design speed is 80km/h and the width of the subgrade is 24.5m. The total length of the Section A3 is 6010m. The main line of this section includes two bridges with a total length of 444m, five separated tunnels with a total length of 4418m, 5 culvertswith a total length of 250.62m, 2 channels with a total length of 160.23m.

